Height increase and growth is a significant part of human life where we have almost no control. Increasing height naturally apart from genetics is a challenging task.

Height is add on to any human being’s personality. It does not create any physical problems whether you are short or tall, except when growth hormone is disturbed or untreated.

Teenagers are bothered about height growth and want to know approximately how they will grow and various other questions. There are no miracles or any evidence which will help you grow once you hit puberty with closed growth plates. The age of puberty varies here in boys and girls. External factors to influence height is around 10 to 20% which should be followed before puberty. You can add maximum 1-2 inches with external factors.

 Height myths come along during Height growth. Some doubts and myths might cause hustle in our life and Growing phase. Drinking too much coffee, lifting heavyweights, and going to the gym early are some of the most common myths. 

Height is a significant aspect during the growing phase in one’s life. Keeping in mind genetics, we really need to take care and follow external steps wisely  to see benefits in height growth. External factors are also bounded by common myths which creates confusion and misconception amongst numerous people and teenagers.

People get easily distracted in rumors and myths and this might lead to severe consequences too. So always think positive and focus more on constructive tasks.

The Beard is in trend since last decade, but the sad part is most people just grow a beard and avoid the basic care regime. The mistake lands them in trouble and makes them prone from mild to severe beard health concerns. Let us discuss and I will share my opinion which will definitely assist you to get rid of problems.

Maintain a healthy diet- Hair grows when you’re receiving enough essential vitamins. You don’t need to eat anything special if you aren’t in a rush to grow your beard, just make sure it is a balanced, healthy diet. Fish is great for your hair. If you want to take a supplement some recommend Biotin, a b complex vitamin.

Get some sleepStudies show that a lack of sleep can actually slow down your beard growth.  If you want a good beard make sure you’re getting the appropriate amount of rest.

Massage the beard oil into the base of the beard to get the utmost care and nourishment. An itchy beard is more than an aggravation. In some cases, it’s so persistent and such a pain in the ass that it drives men to the brink of debating whether it’s worth it to have a beard after all.

Making your beard look great involves a lot more effort than just putting the razor down and letting it grow. Combining your beard is one of the essential steps that will help you to maintain your facial hair and make it look better. It is so essential, that it should be included in every bearded man’s daily routine.

Stretch marks are long,  stripes, or lines that develop on the skin. They occur when the skin is suddenly stretched due to numerous reasons . Weight gain and sudden weight loss is the most common cause of those streaky lines.  Stretch marks tend to affect more women than men. 

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Mental illness is a wide concern which is mostly overlooked. Mental illness awareness is very significant today. The last great stigma of the 21st century is the stigma of mental illness. Researchers are still trying to understand what causes mental illness. There is no one cause — it can happen due to a mix of factors including genetics, how your brain works, how you grew up, your environment, your social group, your culture and life experience. 

Mental illnesses, or mental health conditions, are disturbances in a person’s thinking, feeling, or behavior (or a combination of these) that reflect a problem in mental function. They cause distress or disability in social, work, or family activities. Just as the phrase “physical illness” is used to describe a range of physical health problems, the term “mental illness” encompasses a variety of mental health conditions.

Mental illness is severe in some cases and mild in others. Individuals who have a mental illness don’t necessarily look like they are sick, especially if their illness is mild. Other individuals may show more explicit symptoms such as confusion, agitation, or withdrawal. 

Bipolar disorder, claustrophobia, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, social anxiety disorder are few examples of mental illness.

We have to consult with health counsellors, psychiatrists at early stages to live a healthy life. In short, a person who shows any of these signs should seek help from a qualified health professional.

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