Due to its tempo and brisk nature, power yoga is essentially like an aerobic workout, where yoga poses are done faster and in continuation. Power yoga when practised regularly and under supervision helps your body achieve stability, balance, posture and tone. It is a fast paced workout and can be practised by anyone who enjoys exercising.

Power yoga is a general term used to describe a vigorous, fitness based approach to vinyasa- style yoga. Many consider it to be”gym yoga,” 

This style of practice was originally closely modelled to make it more appealing to western students. Power yoga takes the athleticism of combining many yoga- asanas, but gives each teacher the flexibility to teach any poses in any order, making every class different.

American yoga teachers are most often credited with the invention of power yoga. 

With its emphasis on strength and flexibility, power yoga brought yoga into gyms of all continents as people began to see yoga as a way to workout. It helps in calorie burning, blood circulation, alleviates stress and tension also helps in toxins elimination along with several benefits.

It would be wonderful if we inculcate power yoga in our exercise regime.

Essences can be added to the bath simply for pleasure, to aid restful sleep, to help skin problems, relieve muscular and other pains. Sprinkle four to six drops of essential oil on the water’s surface and stir the water to disperse the oil. If you have dry skin, you may wish to mix the essence with a few teaspoonfuls of a vegetable base oil, such as almond, walnut or coconut. In this there are methods like salt bath, foot and hand baths, Hip bath or douche, aromatic bath and sauna.

2) Compress-

 A compress is a valuable way of treating muscular pain, sprains and bruises as well as reducing pain and congestion in internal organs. There are 2 methods  i.e. hot compress and cold compress.

3) Gargles and Mouthwashes

Gargles containing essences such as sandalwood or lemon are helpful for sore throats and laryngitis. The simplest method for making a gargle or mouthwash is to add one drop of essential oil to a small glass containing two teaspoons of cider vinegar.

4) Inhalations-

 Inhalations can help relieve cold and flu symptoms, cough and other respiratory ailments. Essences of rosemary and peppermint are said to stimulate clarity of thought.

5) Neat application- 

Provided that the skin is cooled first under cold running water for at least 5 minutes. Later essential oils can be applied neat to minor burns and scalds.

6) Massage-

Therapeutic massage is the main method used by aromatherapists, but it can be practiced equally at home.  When we massage the feet, we stimulate the rest of the body as well. This is because all the organs, hands and muscles in the human body have nerves ending in soles of the feet.

These are some of the significant ways through which aroma oil benefits our human body.

PCOS or Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. The name of the condition comes from the appearance of the ovaries in most, but not all, women with the disorder- enlarged and containing numerous small cysts located along the outer edge of each ovary.

Infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne and obesity can all occur in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment may reduce the risk of long term complications, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Paying attention to the foods and their activity levels may help them offset the effects of PCOS:

1) Keep weight in check-

 Obesity makes insulin resistance worse. Weight loss can reduce both insulin and androgen levels, and may restore ovulation. No single specific dietary approach is best, but losing weight by reducing total calorie intake can benefit the overall health of women. Weight loss program is recommended

2) Consider dietary changes- 

Low fat, high carbohydrate diets may increase insulin levels, so consider a low carbs diet for patients. The patient should choose complex carbohydrates which are high in fiber. 

3) Be active-

 Exercise helps lower blood sugar levels. Patients with PCOS, increasing their daily activity and participating in a regular exercise program may treat or even prevent insulin resistance and help to keep their weight under control.

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