Functional training is a method of training in which you focus on the integration of multiple muscle groups while exercising the entire body. Rather than attempting to isolate individual muscle groups with exercises performed in the restrictive postures,  functional training encourages complex multi joint movements.

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Muscles like all tissues of the body are controlled by the nervous system. What kind of a nerve innervates a particular muscle will affect whether the muscles can be controlled voluntarily or whether it is controlled automatically. Muscles are classified according to how they are controlled by the nervous system. If a muscle can be controlled voluntarily the muscle is called a voluntary muscle most skeletal muscles are voluntary muscle. Although a few are both voluntary and involuntary.

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Right meals are very important for growth and achieving goals. We will look below and share basic tips to plan your meals accordingly.

Pre workout nutrition

Pre workout meal is the second most important meal of the day top only by the post workout meal. The goal of this meal is to prepare the body for the assault that it will soon be going through. During intense exercise, as stored energy is used up the body will turn to glycogen to replace this energy.

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What is Glutamine?

Glutamine- L- glutamine remains the supplement of choice for many bodybuilders. It is a free- form amino acid that can be found naturally in beans, meat, fish. It is also an important component of protein powders and is one of the 21 non essential amino acids found in the body.

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